Terms and Conditions


Conclusion of contract

The booking of a city tour or travel service is effected by written confirmation of the offer made by the tour guide to the customer. The confirmation can be made by e -mail or letter. With the conclusion of the contract terms and conditions are accepted.


Procedure of the tours


All information relevant to the tour details such as date, time, meeting place, type of service, fee and payment information will be listed in the contract. Deviations may be short term agreed verbally, but must be approved by both parties. Changes to the program may be necessary due to external circumstances (traffic conditions, weather conditions, accidents or mishaps, other exceptional situations). For associated potential loss of program elements as the tour guide can not be held responsible.


Delayed start of the tour


The tour guide is obliged to wait at least 30 minutes at the meeting point at the arrival of the customers. If the customer has informed the tour guide about the delay, the waiting time is extended to a maximum of 60 minutes. If customer arrive late the customer is not entitled to a full performance of the service. If the service is now fully rendered by mutual agreement, the tour guide may percentage increase the fee according to the prolongation of the tour.


If the tour guide is late, the customer can demand the full performance of the service. If this is not possible due to time constraints, he can claim the loss of performance time corresponding percentage reduction of the fee .




The customer may cancel the booked service up to 8 days before the date of service delivery for free. From the 7th up to and including the 3rd Day before the date, the tour guide is entitled to 60% of the agreed fee, for cancellation within 2 days prior to the date or no-show of the customer up to 60 minutes after the agreed start of the tour 100% of the agreed fee.


Should the tour guide not provide the contracted power for reasons that were not known at the time of the contract, he undertakes all to led proceed the tour by another tour guide and informs the customer upfront about it. If this is not possible in very exceptional cases (eg sudden illness , accident on the way to the meeting point), the leadership has to be canceled, possibly already paid fee will be refunded in this case. Any further claims for damages of the customer do not exist.


Third-Party Services


For bookings of third-party services that are posted by the tour guide on behalf of the customer, are the terms and conditions of this service commissioned. If the tour guide mediates the services of the third, it comes to a direct contract between the customer and the mediated service .




The tour guide is not liable for damages that are not caused by its breach of duty . During a guided tour of children's and youth groups as the tour guide does not assume the duty of supervision .






Should one or more provisions be invalid, the other provisions shall not be affected thereby .